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Generative Solutions for Enterprise

Our platform enables the rapid development of secure, private, model-agnostic Generative AI solutions.

Everything You Need In One Place

Robust Tools

Get to value faster with no-code tools for bot training using your data and an embeddable white-labeled chat interface.

Flexible Data Ingestion

Train AI bots for your specific use cases with multiple data integration options including PDF files, spreadsheets, APIs, and web search results.

Best AI Models

Access 26 of best AI models in one place, including GPT 4 Turbo (OpenAI), Claude 2 (Anthropic), Llama 2 (Meta), and PaLM 2 (Google).

Data Security

Keep your data safe and secure. Your information won't be used for model training by us or any third parties.


Scale fast with our robust infrastructure and pricing designed to grow with your business.


Access our team of world-class engineers and AI experts to ensure your success.

Explore Some of Our Solutions


The customer engagement solution for human-like, autonomous customer communications.

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Personal Chat

Your personal AI productivity hub. Access a growing collection of specialty trained AI bots and create your own.

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Enterprise Chat

AI chat designed for your business. Create and share bots with colleagues while keeping your data secure.

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Knowledge Management

Extract information from documents and knowledge bases. Generate scripts in real-time, turn documents into structured data, and more.

Creative Co-Pilot

Generate ideas and creative content based on campaign materials. Manage all your documents in one place.


Integrate enterprise-grade Generative AI capabilities into your applications and workflows using our model-agnostic platform.

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Explore Use Cases

Customer Service Operations

Generate personalized servicing scripts for your representatives integrating customer and product data.

Sales and Marketing

Fuel your team's creativity and productivity with AI trained for your brand and goals. Generate ads, emails, landing pages, and more.

Product Innovation

Create AI-native experiences for your customers. Engage them with chat-based navigation and features.

Data Extraction

Turn text into structured data. Enable chat-based querying of data and real-time analysis.

Document Analysis

Analyze legal agreements, marketing briefs, product specs, and more. Generate comments and edits based on your style and data.

Meet the Team

Partner with our team of world-class data scientists, engineers, and AI experts.

Majd Maksad


Dima Markus


Korash Hernandez


Valentin Kuznetsov


Iliya Vereshchagin

Customer Success

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Let's Generate the Future Together

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